vendredi 4 avril 2014

SquidGard FATAL: Error db_open: No such file or directory

cd /var/lib/squidguard/db
rsync -arpogvt rsync:// .
mv -fv dest/* .
rm -rf /var/lib/squidguard/db/dest/
chown -R proxy:proxy /var/lib/squidguard/

# verify
squidGuard -d

# that's all !

KVM and virsh essential command

LVM KVM to Virtualbox
dd if=/dev/Volume01/Disk of=/tmp/image.raw
qemu-img convert -O vdi /tmp/image.raw test.vdi
rm /tmp/image.raw

# change @MAC

virsh edit

# Copy VM script bash

localvmsource=$(virsh dumpxml $activevm | grep 'source dev=' | cut -d "'" -f2)
remotevmd=$(ssh root@$remote "virsh dumpxml $activevm | grep 'source dev=' ")
remotevmdest=$(echo "$remotevmd" | grep 'source dev=' | cut -d "'" -f2)

lvmsize=$(lvs | sed -n "/$activevm/s/ \+/ /gp" | head -n1 | cut -f 5 -d ' ' | sed -e 's/,/./g' -e 's/.$//' | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')G
VMActive=$(virsh list | grep $1 | wc -l)

echo "Sauvegarde de $activevm, localvmsource=$localvmsourc$localvmsource, lvmsize=$lvmsize, VMActive=$VMActive"
echo "sur $remote remotevmdest=$remotevmdest"

if [ "$VMActive" -gt 0 ]
virsh shutdown $activevm

while [ "$VMActive" -gt 0 ]
VMActive=$(virsh list | grep $1 | wc -l)
echo "Waiting shutdown $activevm..."
sleep 5

echo "copy de la vm......."
echo "dd bs=4M if=$localvmsource | pv -s $lvmsize | dd of=$localvmsource.backup"
dd bs=4M if=$localvmsource | pv -s $lvmsize | dd of=$localvmsource.backup

echo "."
echo "Restart VM : $activevm"
virsh start $activevm

echo "."
echo "virsh list --all"
virsh list --all

echo "."
echo "Copy lvm to bzip2..."
echo "dd if=/dev/lvm-kvm/$activevm.backup | pv -s $lvmsize | bzip2 -cf | dd of=$targetpath/$activevm.bz2 conv=noerror"
dd if=/dev/lvm-kvm/$activevm.backup | pv -s $lvmsize | bzip2 -cf | dd of=$targetpath/$activevm.bz2 conv=noerror

echo "."
if ping -c 1 $remote &> /dev/null # copy on remote if active/exist
echo "Copy sur $remote"
echo "dd if=$localvmsource bs=512K | pv -s $lvmsize | ssh root@$remote 'dd bs=512K of=$remotevmdest' "
sleep 2;
dd if=$localvmsource bs=512K | pv -s $lvmsize | ssh root@$remote "dd bs=512K of=$remotevmdest"

# problème de perfs dans une VM KVM
ethtool -K [interface] gro off tso off